H is for Hammer Headed Hammer Head Shark

hammer head shark
Scalloped Hammer Head Shark

H is for Hammerheaded Hammerhead Head Shark

Tagalog: Crosan

Scientific Name: Sphyrna lewini

This shark has a humungous hammer shaped head.

A Hammerhead can find his favorite foods hidden under the sand, like the stingray.

His head has pores filled with electric jelly that can sense other animals even when they are hidden.

You can also call these jelly pores “electroreceptors” or “galvanic cells”

The bigger the head, the more pores and therefore it’s easier for this shark to detect electric impulses from other sea creatures.

Finding invisible things is this sharks special power so playing hide and seek with him is not recommended.


  1. Hey! I find your blog really interesting 🙂

    1. mermaidscientist says:

      That’s awesome, thank you!

  2. I never knew that hammerheads had big heads to detect prey! This is very interesting. The illustration is very nice too 🙂

    1. mermaidscientist says:

      Most sharks detect prey with the galvanic cells in their nose pores 🙂 Hammer heads just have a lot more nose than most.

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