Mermaid Scientist Story Hour

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Story Hour with the Mermaid Scientist was a success!

Thank you to the SLO librarians, the enthusiastic kids and supportive parents

You are the wonderful!

The Mermaid Scientist Displays will be up at the San Luis Obispo Library for all of August 2014


  1. Astrid Varni says:

    Congrats, looks like it went well Any chance of me getting my painting? Love u, Astrid

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. jennifer says:

    Claudia! I found you! I so enjoyed meeting you at the writers’ conference and would love to stay in touch. I’d also love to see your book and help you in any way I can. 🙂

    1. mermaidscientist says:

      Hello! That is so sweet of you to say, Red Fox Literary picked up the the manuscript to shop it around so cross your fingers!

      1. jennifer says:

        Congratulations! Good luck! Also, Dennis took a cute photo of us:

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