Front and Back Mermaid Book Covers

ABC cover big MS sept 17tuna can bio 2

I would love to say that I do not judge a book by it’s cover but that would be a complete lie.

When perusing bookshelves I look, I judge and I pick up what looks interesting.

A book cover is the first impression you give to your reader. “Hello there, evaluate my choice of font and color preference and then pick me up!” the book cover yells visually from the shelf, hoping to woo its perfect reader, enticing them to reach out and touch you.

My target audience is the kid interested in the ocean and mermaid information. I’m also looking for parents, aunties, uncles and friends looking for the perfect gift for their little loved one, a gift that they will both enjoy and learn something productive.

Pink, flowery ridiculousness with modern fonts ooze and overflow in the girly section but this project represents something different. So here you have it: tropical blues and greens and the old school type used by the likes of Shel Silverstein and the Dewey Decimal system. Crossing fingers and toes.

ABC cover draft
Simple Cover sept21Cover simple sept16