Thank You

Thank you to everyone for coming out to enjoy some art and wine and chocolate!

I feel grateful to have such classy fantastic friends and family!

photo of the artist at Art After Dark SLO
photo of the artist at Art After Dark SLO

All the Mermaid Scientist art, prints and cards will be on display & for sale June and July at Mama Ganache Artisan Chocolate.

Apricot white chocolate fishes were present at the Mermaid Scientist Art show
Apricot white chocolate fishes were present at the Mermaid Scientist Art show

Schedule for June and July Art After Dark

 I am #24 June and July
I am #24 June and July



Mermaid Scientist Art Show

June 6th, 2014 Venue: Mama Ganache Artisan Chocolates


Come join us for a night of art, wine and chocolate!

There will be juice for the younger mermaids

Friday June 6th, 2014

Mama Ganache Artisan Chocolates

1445 Monterey Street,

San Luis Obispo

RSVP at our Face Book Event Page: