P is for Purple Parrotfish Poop

Swarthy Parrotfish Scarus niger

P is for Purple Parrotfish Poop

Scientific Name: Scarus niger

Palawan: Mol Mol, Tagalog: Loro Loro

These Parrotfish are one of many contributors to the beautiful tropical white sand beaches in The Coral Triangle. They are particularly fond of eating the algae film that grows on coral. They chomp into the coral with their beak (actually fused teeth) to get a mouthful of both coral and algae. The crushed coral helps the fish digest the algae and is then pooped out in the form of particularly perfect, soft, white sand. Next time you are relaxing on your tropical vacation, remember to thank the parrotfish.

Side Note: These particularly pretty purple parrotfish look most like the male Swarthy Parrotfish – Scarus niger. The ones observed here have slightly different spot patterns behind the eyes but it could be a local variation or due to a shift between initial and terminal phases. This is the way I saw them so this is the way I paint them. There is also that glorious possibility that they are a new species, sigh, the scientific holy grail.

parrotfishpen ketch of Female (above) and Male (below)

E is for Eel

Spotted Moray Eel by Claudia Makeyev

E is for Elongate Eel

Tagalog: Indong

Scientific Name: Gymnothorax isingteena

aka The Spotted Moray

This eel is an eeeelongate fish, his long body is ideally suited to squeeze through small holes in the reef and chase small fishes for dinner.

An interesting hunting partnership developed between Moray eels and Groupers. The Grouper sees where a school of fish have hidden themselves from him in the coral reef, because he is too big to go into these small holes he goes off to find his friend the eel. This eel is a bit nearsighted so the grouper floats right in front of his face and shakes his head back and forth, back and forth. this is their secret code for:  “I know where there are some tasty small fish, follow me”.  The eel follows the grouper to the place in the reef where the small fish are hiding. He wriggles in and chases them out for the grouper to catch and hopefully manages to catch a few for himself along the way.

C is for Colorful Coral Creatures

red coral
C is for Colorful Coral Creatures
A Watercolor
by Claudia Makeyev

Tagalog: Gasung

Scientific name: Corallium spp.

We all live attached together underneath the big blue sea.

Up close we each resemble an itty bitty Anemone.

Call us Coral