ABC Book Formatting

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Formatting the pages of The Mermaid Scientist Alphabet Book. My first book is coming together! We are almost there!

InDesign and Photoshop and I have had our ups and downs.

We are slowly working out our many issues with the help of digital relationship therapists, YouTube & Adobe Help.

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T is for Turtle

sea turtle by makeyev

T is for The Green Sea Turtle

Scientific name: Chelonia mydas


I am a Green Sea Turtle and  turtles are reptiles.

I munch on tasty sea grass shoots.

I glide through the ocean hunting delicious jellyfish.

I can hold my breath for 7200 seconds, That is 2 whole hours.

Unlike land turtles, I am super fast!

With a flick of my fins away I go

Away to the places only sea turtles know.

S is for Sea Snake Secret

sea snake cmakeyev

Scientific name: Laticauda colubrina

Common Name: Banded Sea Krait 

Tagalog: Walo Walo

I am shy, slender and graceful.

I swim gently along the sunny reef looking for tiny fish to eat.

I float on the surface to fill my lungs

I float to warm up in the sun.

Once in a blue moon I go ashore, to a sea cave hidden from the world.

There is a dry sandy beach where my secret is safe.

The secret is my dear little sea snake babies.

The sea cave is where my babies are born from their eggs.

Being born in a safe cave will protect them from hungry sea monsters.

H is for Hammer Headed Hammer Head Shark

hammer head shark
Scalloped Hammer Head Shark

H is for Hammerheaded Hammerhead Head Shark

Tagalog: Crosan

Scientific Name: Sphyrna lewini

This shark has a humungous hammer shaped head.

A Hammerhead can find his favorite foods hidden under the sand, like the stingray.

His head has pores filled with electric jelly that can sense other animals even when they are hidden.

You can also call these jelly pores “electroreceptors” or “galvanic cells”

The bigger the head, the more pores and therefore it’s easier for this shark to detect electric impulses from other sea creatures.

Finding invisible things is this sharks special power so playing hide and seek with him is not recommended.

C is for Colorful Coral Creatures

red coral
C is for Colorful Coral Creatures
A Watercolor
by Claudia Makeyev

Tagalog: Gasung

Scientific name: Corallium spp.

We all live attached together underneath the big blue sea.

Up close we each resemble an itty bitty Anemone.

Call us Coral